I heard about Cuisinicity.com when I was on a recent webinar presented by Dr. David Katz, a recognized expert on nutrition, disease prevention and lifestyle. Dr. Katz’ presentation focused on what constitutes a healthy diet and a healthy life. He also discussed how to avoid getting fooled by fad diets and the latest “food news,” a subject that he discusses at length in his 2018 book, The Truth about Food. The book allows its readers to begin to distinguish between what human beings actually need to eat to get and stay healthy, and let go of the latest findings that perpetuate food myths and misinformation.

Dr. Katz broke down the factors that are important for general nutritional health and discussed that, although there are specifics to each individual´s best diet, the basics of nutritional health are similar for everyone.
Among his recommendations: Make half of every meal fruits or vegetables; read labels, the shorter the ingredient list, the better; promote overall health by eating smart — drink lots of water and cultivate a diet that favors produce, grains, legumes, and lean protein, such as fish and soy.
He also mentioned Cuisinicity.com, a website run by his wife, Catherine, that we might visit for additional nutritional info and recipes. Having just made my first-ever vegan chili, I decided to find out what my next experiment could be.
So off I went to Cuisinicity.com and – wow – I was in for a culinary experience I hadn’t anticipated. Catherine’s website is so inviting and inspiring – and she clearly loves being in the kitchen and creating delicious, beautiful and healthy meals.
I enjoy cooking, and preparing and eating clean delicious fresh foods has always been my go-to for our family. That being said, with life, work, and school schedules, our meals had become somewhat predictable (i.e., Monday is stir fry, Wednesday fish, Thursday – pasta. (My family jokes that they know what’s for dinner based on the day of the week.)
Having been in a bit of a “cooking rut” for a while (okay, boring), finding her site has inspired me to once more have fun in the kitchen.
Catherine was raised in France and learned Mediterranean cooking from her mother. She has a warm and sparkly personality that invites you right into her beautiful homey kitchen with her, which she shares in her videos. Not typically one to spend my time watching cooking videos, watching Catherine’s could change my mind. I felt like I was right there with her cooking up some fun and having a blast!
She herself explains her philosophy best on her site: “Cuisinicity® is about just the right balance between nutritious and delicious. It is about always trading up on the nutrition side for better, more wholesome, more nutritious ingredients but never giving up savor, texture, aroma or even presentation on the culinary side.”
A sampling of just a few of her main dish recipes:
Tuscan Bean Spinach Pasta: https://cuisinicity.com/tuscan-bean-spinach-pasta/
Seared Black Rice & Beans: https://cuisinicity.com/seared-black-rice-beans-vegan/
Shrimp Arugula Provençal: https://cuisinicity.com/shrimp-arugula-provencal/
Grilled Orange Herb Chicken: https://cuisinicity.com/grilled-orange-herb-chicken/
It doesn’t stop with main dishes: There are salads, soups, side dishes, breads and muffins, healthy desserts, vegan and vegetarian, seafood and poultry dishes, and more.
But that’s enough from me This is my favorite site yet for healthy, delicious and tempting meals. As Catherine’s site inspires: “Love the food that loves you back.”
Comment below or email me at suzanne@evergreenlifeandwellness.com and let me know what you think!