One of the topics that comes up when I work with clients is the matter of sleep – getting enough of it and getting good quality sleep.
There is lots of information out there these days about what we can do to feel and look our best as the years go by. One of the most effective things we can do to ensure good health and energy is also one of the most simple. And it’s free! Our sleep affects the aging process and getting the right amount can literally turn back the clock. When you sleep, your body not only rests, but also recovers and repairs itself. But you have to get enough. Most sleep specialists recommend seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night.

Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay
If you are currently sleeping six hours or less per night, adding these extra hours of sleep will directly affect your energy and performance, not to mention your physical appearance. Getting enough sleep can also have a direct impact on improving your mood and sense of well-being. (Most of us can relate to feeling grumpy and out-of-sorts when we are sleep-deprived!)
Adequate sleep also plays a vital role in learning new information and memory, both areas that many people are concerned with as they age. Scientists have found it’s both the quantity and the quality of sleep that affects learning and memory. Sleep also plays a vital role in your body’s immune functioning as well as your metabolism. People who continuously do not get enough sleep, or whose sleep is constantly interrupted, tend to get sick easily and also can put on unwanted pounds that are difficult to get off.
Knowing the benefits of good quality sleep, getting more of it would seem a simple thing to implement. For many of us, our busy lives, parental or elder care responsibilities, financial worries or other problems interfere with both the quantity and quality of sleep they are getting. What can you do to get the sleep you need? Here are five easy suggestions that at first glance may seem simple but, if you put even one of them into practice, your sleep can begin to improve.
One: Adhere to a Relaxing Pre-Sleep Routine
An hour or so before you go to bed, start to wind down with some relaxing activities such as light reading, taking a bath or practicing relaxation exercises. Avoid overly stimulating mental or physical activities and especially avoid discussing emotional issues, as this is associated with the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which can keep you awake.
Also avoid exposure to bright light, as this can keep you awake later. Dim the lights in your house. You may also want to employ an app that works as a filter for your computer or smartphone and which blocks out stimulating blue light. By now, most of us are aware of the stimulating effects of blue light when we are preparing for sleep. I recently had a client who had been struggling with getting to sleep who started shutting off his phone a couple hours before bedtime. Making just this one change enabled him to get to sleep more easily and stay asleep more soundly.
Two: Don’t Go to Bed Until You Are Truly Tired.
If you go to bed but do not fall asleep after 20 minutes, then get up and read or listen to music until you feel sleepy. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, found in tea, colas, chocolate as well as some pain relievers for six hours prior to sleep. Avoid eating a heavy meal just before bed and don’t drink so much water that you have to get up to go to the bathroom during the night.
Three: Transform Your Bedroom into a Sleep Chamber
A quiet, cool, dark environment is best for sleep. Use blackout shades or an eye mask to block out light and keep the temperature in your bedroom on the cool side. Use earplugs or heavy curtains to block out outside noise if necessary.
Four: Pay Attention to Your Internal Clock
Go to bed and arise at the same time each day. This is important. It’s this consistency that will set your body’s internal clock. Try to stick to this schedule, even on weekends and when you have not slept well the night before. Get out into the natural sunlight as soon as you can each morning, even if it’s just for five minutes, and take a sun break for a few minutes during the day. Natural sunlight is a powerful biological agent that will help to regulate your body’s internal clock and can help you consistently get a better night’s sleep.
Five: Know When to Get Help
If none of these things are helping and you are significantly sleep deprived or suffer from insomnia, you may benefit from a consultation with a sleep specialist. He or she may recommend an overnight sleep study to rule out such conditions as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome, both chronic conditions which can lead to other health problems.
If sleep is an issue for you, try applying even one of these strategies and see if it makes a difference for you. We don’t necessarily have to make broad sweeping changes in order to effect change – even one small change can start to tip the scale in our favor when it comes to getting better sleep!
Sweet dreams!
Suzanne xo
And – I am available for a complimentary coaching consultation by appointment, and welcome the opportunity to talk to you about your goals, and any problems or concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact me by email or telephone for an appointment.