A Healthy Holiday Season

It’s here…..the holiday season is here.  As you read this, Thanksgiving is around the corner and after that the season is in full swing.  Whatever your holiday style, be it going to events and parties, or casual and laid back time with family and friends, the common denominator seems to Read more…

The Power of Accountability

What is accountability?  What makes it a powerful coaching tool?  Why does it make a difference when it comes to setting and reaching your goals and objectives? I thought about these questions today after my work with a client.   She frequently tells me how important her weekly accountability check-in is Read more…

Sun Care for All Seasons

Research shows that most skin cancers are related to sun exposure. Even with increased education and increased sunscreen use by the general public, skin cancer rates continue to rise.   According to a May, 2013, article in the New York Times, melanoma diagnoses have risen nearly 2 percent a year since Read more…

Keep Your Skin Looking Great!

The cosmetics industry flourishes both in the US and abroad, and one of the industry’s booming sectors is anti-aging skin care.  Some estimates place the U.S. market for cosmeceutical products – creams and serums with medicine-based ingredients – at close to 20 billion a year.  There are a dizzying array Read more…

Why Be Happy?

What does happiness mean to you?  Is it spending time with loved ones, being outdoors in nature, a new puppy?  Or is it something less tangible – that feeling of satisfaction you get from a job well done, or a goal attained? Here’s what Webster’s has to say: Happiness:  good Read more…