
When it comes to crafting a healthy and balanced diet, understanding macronutrients is essential. These are the three major nutrient categories—carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—that provide the energy and raw materials our bodies need to function optimally. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what macronutrients are and why they’re crucial Read more…

Brain Food – Part Two: Sugar

In my last post, I discussed psychiatrist and nutrition specialist, Dr. Uma Naidoo’s research on the link between dietary choices and mental health. Dr. Naidoo emphasizes the “Nutritional Psychiatry” approach, highlighting the role of diet in brain function and mood regulation. Dr. Naidoo’s studies have explored how certain nutrients, including Read more…

Vacation Time

Summer is finally here – time to take a break from work and routine, something that’s essential to well-being.  For many of us, this means traveling, something I love to do.   One thing I try not to do when I’m traveling is take a break from my healthy habits and Read more…