Holiday Chats by the Fire
Hosted by Leslie Gail and Suzanne Levy
Two Tele-classes to Ease you into a Delightful Holiday Season
Monday, December 3, 2012 – 7:00-8:00 p.m. (MST)
Monday, December 10, 2012 – 7:00-8:00 p.m. (MST)
The holiday season is right around the corner and it’s no secret that this time of year can also include holiday stress!. There’s more to do of just about everything – visits, parties, entertaining, out of town relatives visiting. Do you stress about preparing, planning, shopping, gift-giving? Do your healthy habits fall by the wayside? Do you spend more time “doing” rather than being and enjoying? Do you get anxious feeling you have to spend more than you can afford?
Your life is about to get easier because we’re here to help. It is absolutely possible to create a Delightful Holiday Season this year and every year because we are going to give you a blueprint for making it happen.
Brew a cup of tea, get comfy and join us fireside for two Monday night classes on creating more joy, ease and delight this Holiday season.
Here’s what you will get:
- Each class will provide you with practical, special and simple tips and ideas that you can immediately begin using to create an unforgettable holiday season easily and effortlessly.
- Daily practices to help you stay centered and stress-free.
- You will get worksheets, tools and resources to help you design an appealing and authentic experience that is a true reflection of the holiday you want to create for family and friends.
- You will leave with a personal blueprint to take you through the season with grace and ease.
- A Q&A at the end of each class.
- Support and accountability via weekly email check-in.
- You will meet inspiring, empowered and like-minded women!
- You will be eligible for future discounts and bonuses from both of us.
- A special surprise holiday gift from us to you!
If you have any questions at all, please contact either of us at:
303 725-7776
Register Now!
Special: Bring a friend for 50% off the workshop price at time of registration.
Kim Kirmmse Toth · November 12, 2012 at 11:06 am
LOVE that the 2 of you are doing this together!!
Suzanne Levy · November 12, 2012 at 4:37 pm
It has been fun!
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